We help you invest in fast-growing tech companies
Venture Capital
Through our investment platform, Limited Partners get access to premier investment opportunities on deal-by deal basis.
100+ investors
We receive 300+ incoming deals every year. And constantly working with our partners on expanding the pipeline.
How it works
Unlike traditional VC funding, a deal-by-deal model allows investors to select target companies and provide better liquidity in the future.
Deal by Deal
Direct access
We can offer an investment strategy based on your risk appetite and build a balanced portfolio of venture-backed technology companies.
Asset management
We offer a mix of investment opportunities preselected by our venture partners, that you can access directly. Terms of investments vary depending on the deal.
Scalable disruptive technology
Positive cash flow, or clear path to profitability
+100% Growth rate
Growth-stage companies
Target industries
We help investors access top-tier venture capital deals in North America. Finding great opportunities and connect connecting capital with outstanding technology companies.
Target stages
We are focused on Series B+ funding in technology companies. We do both primary and secondary investments. We concentrate on revenue companies and specify ARR for you.
Want a late stage company with a discount?
Deals done
A world’s leading social trading platform.
Online educational platform with exclusive courses from celebrities
The leading global marketplace for teaching and learning.
Partnership conditions
A standard KYC assessment will be done, based on compliance guidelines. We will request your personal information
We have a standard set of documents that comply with Canadian and USA legal requirements
We work based on a limited partnership agreement
Taxes will depend on your legal status and the country of your residence
Let's Connect
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